Science Advisory Board
The scientific advisory board contributes to the knowledge of ROKOCO Predictive Analytics with its know-howand experience in the fields of statistics, econometrics, banking, insurance, asset management or capital market analytics. Their aim is to ensure a high degree of quality concerning the usage of sources, the appliance of methods and the utilization of models from a scientific point of view.
The scientific advisory boards consists of three members:
Prof. Dr. Elmar Helten
President of the Bayerisches Finanz Zentrum e.V. and emeritus professor at LMU Munich (Lehrstuhl Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Versicherungsbetriebslehre).
Prof. Stefan Mittnik, Ph.D.
Chair of Financial Econometrics at LMU Munich and coordinator of the Center for Quantitative Risk Analysis at LMU Munich.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weiler
Honorary professor at Hochschule Coburg, department of business and economics and president of the Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV); prior to that, eight years as speaker of the management board of HUK-Coburg.